How to add tweetables to a post

by | Jun 10, 2015 | WordPress Tutorials

Adding tweetables to a post is not only a great way to facilitate the sharing of your content, it’s also a really slick way to highlight the important points of your post and get it shared with a bigger audience.


What’s a tweetable?

It’s a short, impactful sentence that inspires action, summarizes a post, or promotes deeper thought that can be shared on Twitter. Like this:

Click to Tweet: Learn how to add tweetables to your posts in under 5 mins! via @iam_Jamie_Leigh #LearnWP

And when these zany quotes are shared, they can drive so much more traffic back to your blog post from Twitter than a lack-luster “Read my latest post” tweet can.

Ever wondered just how to add tweetables to your blog posts?

There are a lot of different ways, and each one of them are suited for different levels of technical savvy, design requirements, or productivity requirements.

You could use a service like Click to Tweet, let your audience choose what content to share using a service like Highlighter or Ivy, or you could use one of many WordPress click to tweet plugins.


Here’s a super quick, simple way to add tweetables to posts in under 5 minutes using a plugin:

1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, and search for “Better Click To Tweet.” Click Install Now:
How to install Better Click to Tweet

2. Once WordPress has finished unpacking and installing the plugin, click Activate Plugin:
Activate click to tweet plugin

3. Next, navigate to Settings > Better Click To Tweet:
customize click to tweet settings

4. Enter your twitter handle and check the box to shorten URLs and click Save Changes:
customize click to tweet settings

5. Now you’re ready to add your first tweetable! Navigate to the post you’d like to edit. You can either use a shortcode or, if you’re using the visual editor, click the little blue birdie icon in the kitchen sink:
Add a tweetable to a post with the better click to tweet plugin

6. Type your super stellar tweetable quote, and select whether or not you’d like the tweet linked to your Twitter profile with the via @YourTwitterName link:
How to add a tweetable

7. Finally, save your draft and preview your tweetable! If you know a little CSS you can customize the look of the tweetable in your child theme. If not, the look of the tweetable is still pretty minimal and sleek:
How to preview your tweetable

That’s it! Simple, right?

Click to Tweet: Increase your post’s shareability in under 5 mins: via @iam_Jamie_Leigh #LearnWP