New Feature – Moody Mondays!

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Inspiration

To complement my Wednesday Winks I’ve added a second feature (thanks, Blogcademy) called “Moody Mondays”!

In this feature I’ll be sharing mood boards that I create for fun or for clients with you each Monday.

What is a mood board?

It’s a visual representation of assets, answers, and objects that I compile with a client after several meetings. It serves to evoke the feeling or project the aesthetic style of the project, brand, or deliverables! Mood boards can take many different forms: some are messy digital collages (like mine, below), some are neat, symmetrical collages, some are Pinterest boards, still others are (most traditionally) physical productions on foam board.

For my first installment, I’m sharing an oldie but a goodie. This mood board was created back in April of last year for a client who is near and dear to my heart, ASK Hair Studio. This mood board was created as a visual representation of the work ASK Hair Studio completed in their brand distillation.

ASK Hair Studio mood board by

Each Monday I will share another mood board with you all for inspiration 😉