Technology Supports Your Dreams (Not the Other Way Around)

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Strategy

Whether it’s a call to your website hosting provider, setting up a series of email autoresponders, or configuring a new plug-in for you site, it’s easy to feel like technology is over your head or out of your league.

I hear and see so many folks whose experiences of technology make them feel stupid. It burns my butt when folks who are trained in technology make women feel dumb for not understanding something about it.

I’ve been working online since 1996 and new technologies even confuse me from time to time.

Here’s what I want you to know: Doing business online doesn’t have to be a waking tech nightmare.

Technology is not the enemy.

Technology can free you to do bigger things with your passion, not bind you into frustrating loops of trying-to-figure-it-out drama.

You don’t have to completely master technology or use the most expensive software to get your vision to your Most Valued Customer. If you have an idea, technology can help you get your message out there and reach the people you want to reach with your message.

Technology exists to help you accomplish specific jobs. It’s a tool, and like any other tool, it has a specific purpose.

If you’re currently going in circles trying to decide which software or tool to use for something to operate your online business, take a moment to step back and determine:

  1. What is the job you need this technology to do?
  2. What is the #1 goal/objective/outcome of this job?
  3. Which technology options that you’re considering will allow you to do this specific job well?
  4. Of those options, which one feels the most fun/easeful/pleasant to use?

One more thing: I’ve observed that some online business owners get hung up on a technology decision as a form of procrastination to doing the actual work of their business.

Do this ring true for you?

If so, the best thing for you to do is just pick one tool and move forward with it. Oftentimes we’re just speculating until we put the technology into use and see how it really interacts with our business and clients and customers.

Technology is here to support you and your massive dreams (not hinder your success or be a source of angst).

Technology can free you to do great work.

Need help sifting through your technology options and ending the frustration of figuring out how to bring your vision to digital reality? Hook up with me to develop a customized digital strategy with my Digital Strategy Intensive.

Technology Supports Your Dreams